Our grocery brand Jean de France is changing its look to keep up with the times.

Created in 1996, the Jean de France brand offers a range of groceries based on duck. Our products are 100% French and are divided into 3 ranges: Label Rouge, IGP Sud-Ouest and France. After so many years on your shelves, it was important for us to update the packaging of our products.
Clearly identified as French, the labels of our products reflect their origin and highlight the authenticity of our brand, which has existed for nearly 25 years!
The trendy rust colour is now easily identifiable by consumers when shopping in shops.
The pigeon tower on our labels is a nod to our territory of the Gers (our company's department) and its traditions.
The blue white and red flag highlights the origin of all our products. Consumers make no mistake, they support French producers when they buy their foie gras, confit, terrines and pâtés from Jean de France.
More about Jean de France products : Here !